Saturday, February 9, 2013

This is about to get cliche...Name the most romantic movie of all time. #NaBloPoMo

Like I said in the title, this post is about to be as cliche as it gets. I am a sucker for a good romance, and the Notebook takes the cake for me. Yeah, I know what you're thinking "Couldn't she come up with something better than that...more classic maybe?" The answer is, I could have, but this is the first movie that I ever got my hubs to watch with me that was a chick flick/romance that he did not exactly cringe at.

The book was breath taking as is anything from Nicholas Sparks. I love that almost all of his books are being made into movies. It is like being able to take the pages and flip them to the big screen, and for some reason, these movies all do the books justice. Since my hubs won't read a book to save his life, this is the only way to get him into authors that are just down right amazing.

Some quotes from this movie are used over and over again to describe relationships and their trials and tribulations, which is just yet another reason why this movie tops my list for romances. It tugs at the heart and makes you mad and makes you sad. It makes you frustrated and those are all the emotions that happen in a real life romance. It is tried and true to what actual people go through when trying to find and be with the person that they are meant to be with in life. You may not always have a happy ending or beginning or even middle for that matter, but if that is the person you are supposed to be soul mates with, well then GOSH DARN IT, that's who you should be with. Hands down best romance (of my generation anyways). I know there are plenty more out there that are older that I may not have seen that would blow this one way out of the water. But this is the one I choose for being a 24 year old woman, in this time, and in this day in age.

This was the most used quote that I have seen to date, but then there is this next one that I think describes 100% of relationships, unless you are robots or some kind of ultra human.....

Love it!!

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