Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My perfect date night? Hmmm....... #NaBloPoMo

Date night is not something you hear often when you have two children. That means babysitters, extra money to pay said babysitter, and sometimes a whole bunch of headache. The hubs and I used to do date night a lot when I was expecting my first child. It was awesome. Movies, dinner, whatever we felt like. Then along came baby number one. We were fortunate enough to have my parents that wanted him every Friday through Sunday, so we were able to enjoy each other. Most of our date nights were spent at home where we had peace and quiet. parents moved and we were back to no date night unless paid babysitter. Sometimes that is NOT even worth it!

Then we moved and along came baby number two. Double the trouble, and now double the rate for a babysitter if we wanted to go out. we had friends that would graciously watch our first for a nominal fee but when we moved...poof! Those good friends were an hour away. So much for date night anymore! Now that we have gotten older and our daughter is now almost 5 months old we have learned that we just need to cherish each other and have at home "date night" once the kids are both asleep on the weekend. Our idea of a good date night is stocking up on candy, renting a movie on the Xbox and just enjoying each other's company whether we are laughing at a comedy or I am scared out of my mind over a horror <---My hubs loves the last choice. I think he just likes that I cuddle in closer.

If we had no children, the perfect date night for me would still be one at home. Why? Because I want my hubs all to myself. I am a homebody and in some sense he is too. Bubble bath, relaxation, get the drift. You can't do all that when you are out in public. We also hate paying for food at restaurants. I am a pretty darn good cook and can cut that cost in half and it is more special because I made it for him. He loves that! We are not the candle light, mushy mushy couple. We want to eat, enjoy conversation, and then be able to relax right afterward with no drive home stuffed to the brim.

So my perfect date night? Good food (that I cook!), bubble bath with the hubs including massage, getting into some comfy, snuggly clothing, watching a rental and stuffing our faces with candy......and then of course where ever the night takes us after that ;) Hey, if it happens, it happens! I don't need to go out to have a perfect date night. I am perfectly content right here at home with the love of my life.

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