Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Yes, I am way behind the times.....Just read the first Twilight :/

I am not one that always likes to jump on the bandwagon when it seems like EVERYONE is reading the same thing. I did that when I was younger with Harry Potter and I saw where that got me.....I didn't get passed book four. So, I decided to very deliberately wait until all the Twilight movies had been made to dig into the books. I feel like when I read a book first I am nothing but disappointed with how the movie turns out. Except for in the case of Nicholas Sparks. They always do a great job with his books to movies (which is why there are so many!)


Okay back to my point, I just finished the first Twilight book of the series, borrowed from a friend, and let me tell you I would have been utterly disgusted with the first Twilight movie if I would not have seen it first. It does not follow anything of what goes on inside this book. I don't remember seeing the part where Jasper, Alice, and Bella are holed up in a hotel room in the movie.....also I don't remember her ever trying to escape from them to get to the dance studio. This had me very upset. How much longer of production would that have really taken in order for them to have put those details into the movie?

So, now I will have to read the second one and see how the movie stacks up to the book. I will have to buy this one because the girl I borrowed from only had 1,3, and 4. Some meanie did not give her the second book back, so I lose out on that one. I am hoping that I can borrow it n my Kindle off of Amazon, but I am sure just because I want to that it won't be allowed. I loved the book and just would have hoped that they would have stayed more true when it came to the movie.  Does anyone else ever feel like they leave out good parts just to shorten production time? I am sure I will definitely feel this way when I get farther into the series because the books get longer as they go, but the movies are all pretty much the same length for the first three. Hmmmm..?

So pause for a second while I look up whether I can borrow this book or have to buy it!

So boo.....$6.99 on Kindle to own it. Oh well it is the small sacrifice I may have to make if I want to finish the series.

The way I look at it that's all I spent to read the four books :) Quite a steal! I know what I will be doing this afternoon......