Thursday, January 31, 2013

I don't do resolutions, I do "bettering myself" with baby steps

I don't necessarily think I am a bad person. People that tend to resolve to do things, typically get let down when it is all said and done. Makes me sad to see people say that they want to lose 50-100 pounds, quit smoking, have more money, etc. All I can say to these people that make resolutions is slow down. Take baby steps. We are human and things are not going to happen over night. We tend to set way too high of goals for ourselves, that let's face it, they are unreasonable and sometimes even out of our control. Like saving money for example. If you are struggling on your budget, it may not be you that needs the fixing. This economy is crap! Take it from someone who clips coupons, finds deals, and second hand shops at consignment for the things that I can. My family still comes up short when it comes down to paying the bills. We are frugal people and we still come up short. Is that a shocker?


To many people what I just said is like a foreign language. Sometimes no matter how hard you try to save money, the economy just doesn't allow for it on a middle or low income family wage. Unless you make millions, chances are you should probably take save a whole lot of money out of your new resolutions. I hate being let down and so to me money saving would be a let down, we try our best, come up short.....I don't want to feel like a failure and I know you don't either!


As for losing weight, if I were to make a weight goal it would be to gain, but come on...only if I took some kind of pill to slow my metabolism would that ever happen. If you want to lose some weight, fine. If you want to gain some muscle mass, fine. If you want to get your "before baby" body back, fine. Just do not set yourself up for failure. This will ultimately make you feel worse. Take baby steps. Say I want to do this many crunches a day, or run this far a week. Don't put a number on it! Just do what makes you feel good. When you don't concentrate on a goal, things like losing weight tend to just happen my naturally.

Now if you sit there and it pizza and junk food all day and do your are most likely going to fail. Those two nutrition and exercise go hand in hand. Watch your diet and make workout goals for yourself. Do not ,and I repeat, do not put a number goal on it for it to feel like a success!


My "do-better" strategy for me?

I want to find a facial system that actually works for me. I want to find a BB cream or foundation that actually works for me. I want my hair to stop falling out (I think that's due to stress" so I will take Biotin supplement to strengthen my hair. I will keep a planner so I will be organized with where life is taking me. I am in school, stay at home parent, and new blogger. These things take up the most precious thing we have....time. I want to find more time to read books. Another reason why I started blogging. I wanted to find other people that had goals like me and that loved to review products. I was already a member of all of those testing sites. Why not have an outlet to reach out to actual people with? I hated just taking surveys and not knowing if there was an actual person out there reading what I had to say. Now I know!

I know my "do-betters" are not huge but I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin. My own literal skin. That's what I want this year. I am going to finish college, hopefully find my niche, and be a person I can be proud of while doing it. I don't want to be that "I don't care what I look like because I never leave the house and my baby only sees me during the day" mom anymore. I am doing this makeover of life for me.


So remember,  baby steps. Start with something small and once that is accomplished, move on. We all have LITTLE things that we could work on.....change of diet, doing crunches, running, maybe saving 20 dollars a week, or in my case making myself feel like a beautiful person inside and out before I get out there after college. Have faith in yourself, and you can do this.....with baby steps :)