Even though she was an unexpected surprise, she brings so much joy into our lives! I never got the chance with my first child to be a stay at home mom, so I missed out on a lot of the little things that happen from day to day. In just a short time, Rachel has gone from being that baby that didn't even cry much, to being the one that is full of animation. She is already a diva and she knows it!
Just yesterday, my husband was playing Call of Duty Black Ops 2, and Rachel is fascinated with the light on the controller. She cried and screamed until he took her in his lap and let her even touch the controller. We hadn't figured out it was the light on the controller until we tried to give her one that was not turned on and she wallowed. She literally pushed it off the couch and gave us the pout. It was the light on the controller....not the controller itself. How crazy is that?
To make matters even better, she would much rather do anything in her power to laugh than to cry, but when she wants to cry she wails. She used to never do this. She would only cry when she was hungry and sleepy. Now she will cry if she is just plain bored or unhappy. I thought my four year old had a short attention span, but my daughter has proved that she knows what she wants when she wants it just like the next person. This includes toys.
I have learned the difference between raising a boy and a girl in just the short four months that Rachel has been with us. She is learning everything lightening fast and I just want her to slow down! My son was walking by 11 months, and if this is any indication of Rachel's capabilities (that she already tries to sit by herself...of course toppling over forwards, but nonetheless wanting to do it) we have our hands full!